Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Playoffs Are Right Around The Corner

There are only 3 more games until the playoffs start. We are lucky enough to be one of the top teams, so we will get home court advantage. I'm praying I can stay healthy and play my best my last few weeks of this season. I appreciate all the support.
Picture with one of our younger fans

Volcano Eruption & Basketball

Who would ever think they would be around to hear about a volcano erupting? A volcano in Iceland erupted last week, and the ash in the air caused MAJOR flight disruptions in Europe. I experienced it first hand because my wife was trying to fly home and her flight was cancelled.

The volcano didn't stop basketball. We played a team in Tubingen. I had 20 points, 6 rebounds, and 2 assists. Unfortunately we didn't get a win.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Before The Playoffs

The season is slowing down, and we only have a couple more games until the playoffs. The playoffs start May 8, 2010. Check out some pictures and a video clip from throughout the season: